Thursday, 22 September 2016

Aqua Safe

Year 2 had a fantastic time participating in Aqua Safe activities at Gungahlin Leisure centre this term. They covered lots of water safety survival skills including safe entry and exits, treading water, survival swimming in clothes and basic rescue skills.
A big thanks to all the mums, dads and grandparents who came to watch and help out! :)

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Dinosaur Museum

Year 2 had a wonderful (and mostly dry) excursion to the Dinosaur Museum on Wednesday. We learnt so many facts about dinosaurs. Everyone has a chosen a dinosaur that they are now going to write an information report on. We will look forward to sharing our reports later in the term!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Multicultural Day

Last Friday was Amaroo School's annual multicultural day. It was wonderful to see so many students dressed up to represent all the incredible countries we have connections with. There were lots of great stalls to visit in break time. The school also raised $3610! Don't we just look fabulous? :)

Monday, 22 August 2016

The Reading Olympics

2JLS kept a very close eye on the Australian medal tally in these Olympic Games. Now we are taking part on our own Olympics - The Reading Olympics! As a class we decided how many books to read to get a bronze, silver and gold medal certificate. To get gold you have to read 50 or more books or chapters in a month and record them on your special calendar. It's fantastic to see so many students tallying their books and going for gold! We can't wait until next month to see how many certificates will be given out.


Last Friday we had our Early Childhood Disco. We looked very snazzy in our disco clothes as we danced the afternoon away. Year 2 had a big day on Friday. We did such an amazing job for our dance "The Continental Drift" in assembly. In the middle session we participated in rotations to celebrate Science week. It was a busy day but we had lots of fun!

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Explorations Term 3

Explorations have begun this term and 2JLS have become Geographers! Year 2 have started using the Chrome Books to start researching the country they have chosen to investigate. The guiding question for our explorations is "How can we teach people about countries around the world?" We are looking forward to sharing our learning later in the term!
Students learnt today what continent their chosen country is in. Make sure you test them on it when they get home!

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Science Week Activities!

On Friday 19th August students will be participating in Science week rotations. All students have been placed into groups and will have the chance to participate in different science activities. A note will go home before the day informing you what group your child is in so you will know what rotations they will be doing. 



Ms White
With group 1 in Ruby
Mrs Hall
With group 2 in Ruby
Mrs C
With group 3 in Topaz
Mrs Azdajic
With group 4 in Topaz
Mrs Hagan
With group 5 in Emerald
Mr Gowan
With group 6 in Topaz
Mrs Bebendorf
With group 7 in Emerald
Ms Neideck
with group 8
in Sapphire


Ms Neideck
with group 8 in Ruby
Ms White
With group 1 in Ruby
Mrs Hall
With group 2 in Topaz
Mrs C
With group 3 in Topaz
Mrs Azdajic
With group 4 in Emerald
Mrs Hagan
With group 5 in Topaz
Mr Gowan
With group 6 in Emerald
Mrs Bebendorf
With group 7 in Sapphire


Mrs Bebendorf
With group 7 in Ruby
Ms Neideck
with group 8 in Ruby
Ms White
With group 1 in Topaz
Mrs Hall
With group 2 in Topaz
Mrs C
With group 3 in Emerald
Mrs Azdajic
With group 4 in Topaz
Mrs Hagan
With group 5 in Emerald
Mr Gowan
With group 6 in Sapphire



Look who's arrived!

We've adopted! A beautiful tiger that is. 2JLS chose an animal for the class to adopt and tigers were the clear winners. Our adoption certificate, photo and very cuddly tiger arrived earlier in the week. We are starting to learn facts about Sumatran Tigers now. The class has also named our very cuddly new friend Alice Danger! You can see our certificate and photo in the class window. 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Go Noodle!

The students in 2JLS are really enjoying the website called “Go Noodle”. It’s a really fun way for us to have regular brain breaks and re-energise to do all our important learning.  We get to choose a champion and we earn points for all our activities. It’s very exciting when we earn enough points for our champion to go in the transmogrifier!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Our Classroom

We have had a great start to term 3. The classroom already looks a little bit different. It is lovely to see the painting has been done and our back wall is a beautiful sapphire colour!
We now have a reading garden which 2JLS are enjoying. All Ms Lambert's stuffed toys have come into be our reading buddies. We sometimes grab a buddy when we are doing read to self or working on our reading fluency.


Hello everyone,

I'd like to start by thanking everyone for their very warm welcome. I have had such a lovely first week with year 2. It has been wonderful to meet so many of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns. Feel free to make an appointment or you can email me at I'm looking forward to a fantastic term of learning!

Jenny Lambert

Thursday, 30 June 2016


Today we had our class party to celebrate MANY things... A little 2NTS baby, Mrs Lambert coming next semester and of course the AMAZING learning that we've all done over the past semester. Thank you to everyone for supplying delicious food for us to share. We ate, laughed, danced and were very merry. We even had one special little person prepare a speech :-)

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone for their thoughtful gifts and well wishes. They were completely unexpected but so appreciated. Your kind words and generosity mean more than you know. I will be sure to share my exciting baby arrival news with you all very soon :-)

I am certain that next semester will be even better than the first and warmly welcome Mrs Lambert to 2NTS. I know she is very excited to get in and get to know everyone. I can't wait to hear of the fabulous things that are happening in Year 2 - it's going to be a fun and exciting semester!

Warm wishes to you all Xx
Mrs Thorpe

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Have You Got Game?

Today was our annual 'Have You Got Game', where teachers and students come together to compete. Different challenges were set and the teacher's were the ones to take out the competition this year.

We had a lot of fun and our favourite part was definitely dressing up as Disney characters. Don't we look FABULOUS?!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Brilliant Bunny

Each K-2 assembly, Mrs Bartlett awards one of the Early Childhood terraces the 'Brilliant Bunny' for having a neat and tidy terrace. 2NTS are a very neat and tidy class and we have been working really hard (especially over the past few weeks) to try to win our terrace the prestigious award . . . And on Friday, we did it! We were all more than thrilled :-)


This term we have been working hard in Explorations to research our chosen Science topic. We ended our unit by creating final products that shared our learning. Each group decided on how they would present and we ended up with posters, books, dioramas and even a film! Unfortunately, our timing coincided with a few people being away sick so you will notice a few faces missing . . . However, they certainly worked hard too!